An ad hoc committee will review and synthesize current research on the nature of deeper learning and 21st century skills and will address the following: Define the set of key skills that are ...
The Department of Defense Education Activity continues implementing innovative strategies to ensure increasing levels of ...
If you study academic plans for schools in your area, you likely will hear about 21st century learning skills. Many schools embrace “portraits” or “profiles” of learners and graduates that ...
Amelia Peterson and Jal Mehta are investigating the learning experiences of participants in ... critical thinking and creativity are just as vital as traditional skills in helping 21st century ...
Wood: Innovative communities are proving the power of learning that integrates real-world skills and experiences into school curricula.
The rise of experiential learning is a response to the evolving needs of the 21st-century workforce. By emphasising hands-on ...
For Tristan Baskins, Warren City Schools’ move to expand its 21st Century Community Learning program from two to four ...