Tom McCall Waterfront Park hosts many festivals every year. But the park, arguably Portland’s most underutilized resource, has untapped potential to serve as the linchpin for downtown’s revival, the ...
An MLB to Portland effort released their first renderings of what the proposed south waterfront ballpark would look like.
Cherry blossom season is one of Portland’s best transition points. When those little pink and white buds start popping out ...
There is no surer sign of springtime in Portland than the arrival of the cherry blossoms. Those pink-and-white fluffs, that ...
Rallies and marches were also held Saturday in Eugene, Bend, Corvallis and other cities. The gatherings were among of ...
Portland Diamond Project says it’s primed to build a new MLB-ready stadium along the Willamette River in downtown Portland as ...
The Portland Diamond Project unveils a first look at a new Major League Baseball stadium proposed for Portland's South ...
After more than 20 years on Portland's Southeast waterfront, the Portland Opera is set to relocate to a new home.
More than 200 residents gathered for the Business Journal's second annual Advancing Portland Growth Summit to brainstorm ways ...
The festival’s resurgence came after its seven-year Portland hiatus. Project Pabst originally ran from 2014 to 2017 before being discontinued. And according to Downtown Portland Clean & Safe, last ...
Some efforts to get people back to downtown Portland have been a bust, but city leaders are betting on the arts and events to ...