As part of an experiment with x-rays in 1909, Rutherford was shooting a beam of alpha particles (or alpha rays, emitted by the radioactive element radium) at a sheet of gold foil only 1/3000 of an ...
The experiment involved bombarding a thin sheet of gold foil with alpha particles, and earned Rutherford, from Bridgewater on New Zealand's South Island, the moniker the "father of nuclear physics".
They aimed beams of positively-charged particles at very thin gold foil. These particles should ... However, many of them changed direction. Ernest Rutherford explained these results in his ...
As part of an experiment with x-rays in 1909, Rutherford was shooting a beam of alpha particles (or alpha rays, emitted by the radioactive element radium) at a sheet of gold foil only 1/3000 of an ...
They aimed beams of positively-charged particles at very thin gold foil. These particles should ... However, many of them changed direction. Ernest Rutherford explained these results in his ...