All of the United States’ net population growth between 2022 and 2023 was due to immigration, according to the Migration ...
Florida, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia and even Arizona’s Democratic governor are pursuing statewide plans to help find immigrants for possible deportation.
Immigration was the sole driver of the United States' population growth in a single year for the first time since records ...
The Department of Homeland Security issued a notice on Wednesday requiring millions of immigrants to register their presence in the United States with the federal government or face stiff penalties.
Trump immigration policy poses a threat to some 1.8 million migrants, sparking legal, economic and humanitarian concerns.Here ...
Luis Montilla chose to sleep on a beach in Panama instead of being confined to a migrant shelter on his way home to Venezuela ...
As the Trump administration seeks more partners to help round up immigrants living in the United ... states — is a sign that ...
Salvadoran emigration dropped following that country’s roundup of suspected gang members, according to researchers with Texas A&M University Bush School of Government and Public Service.