LiveMore has hired Paul Lewis from brokerage Mortgage 1st Ltd to replace Les Pick as sales director of mortgages.
The average rent for a new let in the UK came to £1,284 a month, a rise of 3% since last year, a property listing site found.
April Mortgages has increased the proportion of variable income it will use for affordability assessments from 50% to 80%.
It’s not just aspiring buyers who need affordable, quality homes, but renters too – and we’re delivering them, says Craig ...
Around 51% of homeowners said the biggest barrier to making energy-efficiency improvements was meeting upfront costs.
The number of houses the government estimates the North East of England will need to build could jump by 79% following ...
As International Women’s Day approaches, Angela Norman discusses the ingredients for success, self-belief, and how women can ...
The mortgage market in 2024 was “considerably better than predicted”, with residential purchases up 15.6% year-on-year to 622 ...
Barclays has reduced the rate of a five-year fixed mortgage at 60% loan to value (LTV) to 3.96%, down from 3.99%.
It’s somewhat ironic that less than a month after I wrote a piece in this very publication entitled, ‘It’s a shame we’re ...
Kate Davies (pictured), executive director of IMLA, said: “We are very pleased to welcome Suffolk Building Society as a full ...
Users of Acre will be able to view live and detailed conveyancing statuses, in partnership with conveyancing firm Simplify.