Alexandr Dolgopolov used to travel the world as a tennis professional. Now, he is on the front lines in Ukraine. In an ...
With the iPhone 16e, Apple has launched a new middle-class device. The 5G chip it uses was largely developed in Munich. DER ...
In his new book, "The World After Gaza," Indian author Pankaj Mishra is sharply critical of Western support for Israel's war in Gaza. He is particularly disapproving of German politics and memory ...
Three weeks ago, Don Junior, Trump’s oldest son, paid a brief visit to Nuuk. He posed for a photo in front of the Egede statue, but was apparently ignorant of its symbolism. A local photographer ...
This video, too, is a fake, likely produced in Russia. The creators took clips from real videos and, as the activists from the fake-news awareness group Antibot4Navalny learned, then used ...
A Family Taken Hostage by Hamas "The First Time in 484 Days that I Woke Up without Fear" Two of her children were held captive by Hamas, as was – until a few days ago – their father.
A Roundtable Discussion on Gaza "I No Longer Feel Comfortable in Germany" Five people with Arab roots meet up in a Berlin restaurant to talk about Gaza. After more than a year of war, they say ...
Eintracht Frankfurt gegen Bayer Leverkusen: Was ein Topspiel sein sollte, wurde zur Machtdemonstration. Beim Deutschen ...
Die US-Armee hat nach eigenen Angaben einen ranghohen Militärführer der Hurras al-Din getötet. Die USA gehen seit Wochen mit Luftangriffen gegen den syrischen Al-Qaida-Ableger vor.
Das Zerwürfnis zwischen dem ukrainischen und amerikanischen Präsidenten könnte zum Bruch der beiden Staaten führen. Für die ...
Das Treffen zwischen Wolodymyr Selenskyj, Donald Trump und J.D. Vance endete im Desaster. Wie will Deutschland jetzt ...
Die Kölner hätten vorübergehend die Tabellenführung der 2. Liga übernehmen können. In Karlsruhe sorgte aber ein Slapstick-Eigentor für die Niederlage und das dritte sieglose Spiel in Serie.