For the king, the aim was to make “submission not just tolerable but actually desirable.” That enabled Mesopotamian rule to ...
Import tariffs helped Britain industrialise but the US job crisis is due to automation and tariffs won't fix that. The real ...
The world is currently undergoing profound transformations, driven by the rapid advancements of the Fourth Industrial ...
The prevailing view among developers and brokers is that as long as more rooftops get built, people will move here, ...
John Enoh, minister of state for industry, trade and investment, has outlined plans to drive a gender-inclusive industrial ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping up to be as big a world-changer as the general-purpose technologies (GPTs) that ...
The rise of capitalism is deeply intertwined with the Industrial Revolution, which began in late 18th-century Britain. At its ...
A successful digital transformation strategy requires a dedicated, well-resourced authority to oversee and implement national policies in Bangladesh ...
With the best intentions, the United Kingdom engineered a housing and energy shortage.
Progress driven by technology has become an important highlight of the Chinese economy, as the country continues making strides in fourth-industrial revolution technologies, a U.S. scholar has said.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) and VivaTech have reportedly agreed to launch a European Centre for AI Excellence (CAIE) in ...