A deafening sound of whistles and vuvuzelas echoed throughout the Serbian capital, on high alert since the rally was ...
The rally on Saturday in the capital, Belgrade, came as protests have spread to towns around the country and have drawn ...
The rally — which is probably the biggest anti-government protest ever held in Serbia — comes after more than four months of ...
A massive student-led protest in Belgrade challenges President Aleksandar Vučić’s 11-year rule, accusing him of autocratic ...
At least 100,000 people descended on Belgrade on Saturday for a mass rally seen as a culmination of months-long protests ...
Public transportation is shut down in the Serbian capital of Belgrade as tens of thousands of protesters converge to oppose ...
Crowds of protesters are gathering in Belgrade for a massive rally in the Serbian capital seen as a culmination of ...
Tens of thousands of Serbians from across the country - most of them students - held a major anti-government rally in ...
Thousands of protestors walked 300 kilometers on March 1 from Belgrade to the southern city of Nis to rally support for an ...