Two Black Hawk County deputies and one Bremer County deputy were determined to be justified in their use of force that led to ...
DES MOINES, Iowa (KWWL) -- The Iowa Attorney General's Office has cleared two Black Hawk County Deputies and one Bremer County Deputy for their use of force in a December incident that resulted in the ...
Instead, the report says the suspect died from a combination from cardiorespiratory arrest, an enlarged heart, obesity, ...
Willie Earl Washington died, he was face down on the ground for 87 seconds after deputies removed him from his vehicle following a high-speed chase. When they ...
The office said the cause of the man's death was the result of a combination of cardiorespiratory arrest, an enlarged heart, ...
The Iowa Attorney General's Office determined the use of force by three deputies, two from Black Hawk County and one from ...
If she wins in November, Winsome Earle-Sears will be Virginia's first female governor and the first black woman to be elected governor in the United States.