Texans who fall behind on their property taxes face one of the most punitive systems in the nation, where private collection ...
Should the New York strip steak be renamed the "Texas Strip" and take on the "official State Steak of Texas" honor? Or what ...
The proposal is part of a push by Republican legislators aimed at helping property owners deal with squatters.
"Governor Abbott has invested too much time, too much energy, and too much money to not let this pass, and unlike the case with previous sessions where the speaker of the House was indifferent or in ...
A bill by Dallas-area GOP Rep. Angie Chen Button, framed as a way to crack down on squatters, received pushback from dozens ...
Lubbock Area United Way said Wednesday that Speaker Dustin Burrows is championing a bill that would enhance the Texas 211 Information and Referral Network’s (TIRN) ...
Burrows, with Abbott by his side, called it a “monumental day” for the school choice movement. While the Texas House and ...
After approval of universal school choice in Tennessee, Texas & South Carolina lawmakers seek to make sure their constituents ...
Rep. Ken King introduces a bill to make the tomahawk rib-eye the official steak of Texas, sparking a flavorful debate with ...
Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas House Speaker Dustin Burrows, both Republicans, promoted a bill Tuesday that would create the ...
Under House Bill 3, students in the program would receive funding for private school tuition equal to 85% of the average funding public schools get per student.
As a committee of the Texas Legislature prepares to discuss a bill framed as a solution to squatting, housing advocates and ...