The famed Parisian cathedral is raffling off around 50 stones from the building that were too damaged in the fire to reuse.
Performers and visitors to the famous gothic cathedral in the ... at Sorbonne University in France. Katz has spent more than a decade studying the acoustics of Notre-Dame, painstakingly hanging ...
Strasbourg étant considérée comme une ville allemande par les pangermanistes, sa libération ne pouvait se faire qu'une fois les nazis suffisamment affaiblis pour que toute la France ait été libérée.
Strasbourg’s most well-known landmark is its massive Cathedrale Notre Dame de ... To the south of the cathedral and its ...
The Notre Dame Cathedral was built in honour of the Virgin Mary. It started started getting built in 1163 A.D. under Bishop Maurice de Sully and was completed by 1260 A.D.
Explore the story of the French gothic masterpiece, Notre Dame de Paris (Our Lady of Paris ... a spring season of events at the Abbey celebrating the links between the UK and France with music, talks ...
Performers and visitors to the famous gothic cathedral ... France. "It's hard to tell exactly how it has changed but we expect it to be more reverberant," he says. Katz has visited Notre-Dame ...