The U.S. plastics industry can overcome its current downturn by redefining its value proposition and aligning with market ...
The Nevada Gaming Control Board told KalshiEX LLC it could face prosecution if doesn’t stop offering “event-based contracts” in Nevada by Friday.
President Trump’s supporters and detractors alike would agree that the first few weeks of his second term have featured his administration’s aggressive assertion of executive power. The new ...
As at the end of December, the social investments of Exxaro Resources amounted to R2.1-billion amid the bettering of lives ...
Former Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price can now add a new job title to her resume: podcaster.Running on a ...
It’s an old story in Jefferson City but it remains an infuriating one: Elected lawmakers again and again reverse (or attempt ...
Some SSA issuers said they had “preferred to be on the safe side” when it came to deal execution in euros and dollars in ...
Californians clearly support limits on plastics. In 2016, voters rejected Proposition 67, an industry-backed referendum that ...
The Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (“TFCA”) restricts nine chemicals or chemical classes. The TFCA restricts nine chemicals or chemical classes ...
The North Dakota measure states that the Legislature "rejects" the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision and urges the U.S. Supreme Court "to overturn the decision and leave unaddressed the natural ...
Simulations that incorporate machine learning-based predictions of conflict suggest large payoffs from preventive policies, including efforts to promote macroeconomic stability and growth ...
On March 12, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army took steps to address ...