Understanding cubs’ activity when leaving their lairs could aid in supporting the polar bear’s survival.
"It's a pretty special thing to see polar bear cubs emerge into this vast, white landscape that appears so inhospitable," lead author Louise Archer, a Polar Bears International postdoctoral fellow at ...
Manitoba has rescinded polar bear viewing vehicle permits for an ecotourism company owned by a candidate vying to lead the ...
On a journey through a remote part of Greenland, travel journalist Chloe Berge discovers a landscape at once fragile and ...
PRAGUE (AP) — Czech cold-water swimmers on Saturday set a new world record for the largest polar bear dip. A total of 2,461 ...
It’s because I’m wearing Columbia Sportswear Omni-Heat Infinity baselayers, and I have underestimated their insulating ...
Researchers have revealed astonishing new insights into the lives of polar bear cubs by studying them as they emerge from ...
Polar bear politics heat up in Churchill after province quietly gives company new permits The other 18 tundra vehicles are operated by Frontiers North and Great White Bear, two other Churchill ...
In a new study, researchers used remote cameras and data from GPS tracking collars to learn more about this vulnerable period ...
The video “shines light on elusive polar bear reproduction” and “marks the first combination of satellite tracking collars with remote camera traps to answer questions about polar bear denning, which ...