A general discount store based on the concept of ”convenience, discount, and amusement”. The store offers approximately 40,000 to 60,000 items, including food, daily necessities, clothing, home ...
A large store consisting of multiple theme-based buildings. Prides itself in its product selection, prices and services. Multiple buildings near the west exit of Shinjuku Station, including the ...
Don Quijote Shinjuku is the largest Don Quijote in Shinjuku, located between Shinjuku and Shin-Okubo stations. There is a variety of not only Japanese cultural products, but also Korean and other ...
這座大型都市公園中,春天有罌粟花、秋天有大波斯菊,園內花卉四季不同,自然景觀豐盛。 設施說明 橫須賀久里濱公園佔地廣大,是一座活用了自然地形的公園。裡面種植了各種花朵,春季 ...
兼具簡約設計性、機能性、價格與品質的日本生活品牌「無印良品」,在世界各國皆有許多死忠愛好者。無論是食品、寢具、文具、廚具、家電等生活中必定會使用的東西在無印良品皆能夠找到 ...
世界三大纪念舰之一。作为在守护日本独立的海战中获胜的象征和日本的骄傲,而被保存。 设施说明 为了对抗欧美列强的惊人军事力量,当时的日本政府进行”六六舰队整治计划”,以战舰6艘 ...
新宿 的搜尋設施 折扣店 的搜尋設施 新宿×折扣店 的搜尋設施 ※ 上述刊載資訊為更新時之資訊,可能與實際價格相異。目前最新資訊請於來店時詢問。