In the ultimate test of endurance, the items a survivalist has with them could make or break their time on 'Alone Australia'.
中國知名火鍋連鎖品牌海底撈近日爆出有人在火鍋內小便事件,海底撈表示,將對受影響的顧客提供賠償。 海底撈上海店爆「火鍋小便」事件。(照片非事發分店) Source: EPA / WU HAO 事件發生在上月 24 日,一條短片中顯示,海底撈一間門市,兩名男子在包廂內用餐時,直接對著火鍋湯底小便,短片引起熱議。 海底撈直至剛過去的星期三(3月12日)發明指,在2月28日,海底撈發現網傳影片,但依然未能 ...
What was described as a catastrophic implosion, apparently occurring near the end of its decent towards the Titanic’s ...
美國總統特朗普威脅要對歐洲進口酒類徵收200%的關稅。US President Donald Trump has threatened a 200 per cent tariff on European alcohol imports.
The mercury is due to peak at 36C in Melbourne on Saturday afternoon according to the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). Showers ...
The report also accused Israel's security forces of using forced public stripping and sexual assault as part of their ...
唐纳德·特朗普威胁对欧洲酒精征收 200% 的关税,加剧了贸易紧张局势,引发了行业警告和欧盟的反制措施。 Alcohol is shaping up to be a key friction point in the trade war US ...
悉尼唐人街的一家老字号钟表行于三月初停止营业,店主和SBS广东话回忆起创业初期的艰辛经历,甚至曾多次遭遇抢劫。 开业近半个世纪后,位于悉尼唐人街的岑氏钟表首饰行现已闭店。 Credit: SBS Cantonese/Supplied 悉尼唐人街标志性店铺之一、成立于1978年的岑氏钟表首饰行(Shum's Watches & Jewellery)于本月初结束了最后一个营业日,宣布闭店。 实体店关闭 ...
Australia's ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd says Australia is "up against an administration which has a very deep-seated view ...
Để kỷ niệm 50 năm người Việt định cư tại Úc, Bảo tàng Hàng hải Quốc gia Úc đã công bố một tấm bảng đồng khắc tên dành riêng ...
Heatwave warning are in place across south-east Australia with temperatures forecast to nudge 40C before nosediving after the ...
Scopriamo insieme la proposta televisiva dei canali di SBS: ecco i nostri consigli per la settimana dal 14 al 20 marzo. In ...